It is traumatic enough for a kitten to be moved to a different home , without having strange new creatures to contend with too.Here are some indication to health and temperament you should look out for:

  • Kittens should be used to being handled from birth , and should not be frightened of humans
  • If kitten hisses or spits at you , or seem timid and nervous , you are better off looking elsewhere for you pet
  • The kittens should all have bright eyes and clean coats with no sign of parasitic infestation 
  • Their tummies should feel plump but soft ; any hardness could indicate worm infestation 
  • The ear , too should be clean ; any brown , waxy deposit may mean the kitten has ear mites 
  • Look at the kittens ' litter tray ; it is clean , too ? A strong smell along with runny excrement could indicate infection .