Kittens love to play and this provides much more than just simple pleasure to young developing cat.Play involves the use of all the muscles in the body  and aids strong , healthy growth and development.

Posted on Thursday, September 10, 2009 by catsbirth

Pedigree breeds tend to have their own set of character traits, which makes it ideal when you’re choosing a cat to fit in with your circumstances and lifestyle.

Pedigree British Shorthair

Pedigree Burmese 

Pedigree Foreign Shorthair 

Pedigree Oriental

Pedigree Persian

Pedigree Semi-longhair Types

Pedigree Siamese

Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 by catsbirth

It is traumatic enough for a kitten to be moved to a different home , without having strange new creatures to contend with too.Here are some indication to health and temperament you should look out for:

  • Kittens should be used to being handled from birth , and should not be frightened of humans
  • If kitten hisses or spits at you , or seem timid and nervous , you are better off looking elsewhere for you pet
  • The kittens should all have bright eyes and clean coats with no sign of parasitic infestation 
  • Their tummies should feel plump but soft ; any hardness could indicate worm infestation 
  • The ear , too should be clean ; any brown , waxy deposit may mean the kitten has ear mites 
  • Look at the kittens ' litter tray ; it is clean , too ? A strong smell along with runny excrement could indicate infection .

Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 by catsbirth

Whatever your preference , pedigree or non pedigree , the kitten should be fit , healthy , happy and friendly . The main difference between pedigree and non pedigree is that you know the parentage of pedigree. To a certain extent , health and temperament can be inherited ; if you met the father and mother you will have a fair idea of the character your kitten will have when it grows up.

Be wary of accepting a cat appears frightened of humans . Unused to domestic home life , it will take a long time to adjust to a new home and will require many patient hours of tender loving care to settle in

Try to get you kitten from a similar family situation to your own ; for example , if you already have a dog , find the kitten that has been brought up with the dogs and it it use to them.

Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 by catsbirth

What to Prepared  - Cats are designed for multiple births , unlike humans ; this means they have severals , small babies , not a huge one and so in general an easier time.

Most cats will purr all through the delivery and will only rest when all the kitten are safely born . You should prepared to have : 
  • clean towel 
  • kitchen roll 
  • blunt-tipped scissors 
  • bowl of boiled water 
Cats usually know what to do , but an inexperienced maide queen can get confused . 

Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 by catsbirth