No Cause For Alarm 

Some of the processes of birth may seem a little disturbing if you have never seen them before , but they are perfectly normal and are no cause for alarm .The general pattern of kittening involves some messy of stages :

  • Shortly before the birth of the first kitten a plug of mucus will come away.Even if this happens as early as a week before the kittening is due do not worry unless the mucus has unhealthy greenish hue or blood is discharged.
  • Kittening is a stressful experience and it is not uncommon for a kitten to suffer foetal distress .
  • Birth is bloody business , do not be distressed by the amount of red-tinged secretions that will be seen . The mother may continue oozing in this manner for a few days 
If the colour changes , or the discharged become more profuse , contact the vet immediately as this could indicate a life - threatening infection to both mother and kittens.