Cat Birth-For the first weeks the mother will supply all the kittens' needs.She will feed them,wash them and keep them warm.

Ten day after that - The eyes open.

3 weeks - keep eye on them because they wanting to venture farther.

4 and 5 weeks - more inquisitive , willing to lap food. you can give minced chicken or fish.

6 weeks - can eat regular food

10 weeks - ready for the first of their two inoculations.

Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 by rizq

Cat Birth-Things you should know is cats are designed for multiple births,unlike humans;this means they have several , small babies.It will only rest went all the kitten are safetly born.What to prepared( in case your cat needs assistance).

1.Clean Towels ( or kitchen roll )

2.Blunt-tipped scissors

3.A bowl of boiled water

Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 by rizq

What to Do ?
Here is the brief infomation of Cat Birth.
Some processes of cat birth may seem a little disturbing if you have never seen them before, but they are all perfectly normal and are no cause for alarm.
The general pattern of cat birth involves some meesy stages as such:

  • Before the birth of the first one , a plug of mucus will come away.Do not worry,unless the mucus has an unhealthy greenish hue.

  • This process is equally common in human babies and usually the feaces to be expelled

  • Birth is a bloody business, do not be distressed by he amount of red-tinged secrection that will be seen.Any changes of the colour , contact your vet immediately.

Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 by rizq

Cat Birth - Breeding From Your Cat

It delightful but expensive, hobby.Few breeder actually make money from selling kittens.The decision to breed from your cat should be made only after careful consideration.You may have seen that the queen may produced six or seven kittens even more and consider whether you are able to afford all the kittens.

Should you or should not ?
Consider the expenses involved:

1.Stud fee

2.Testing for FELV and other diseases

3.Heating for kittens ( based on country)

4.Special diet for the mother cat

5.Feeding the kitten after weaning

6.Vitamins and minerals

7.Advertising the kitten for sale

8.Stationery needed for pedigree and diet sheets


10.Registration and transfer fees ( based on country)

Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 by rizq