No Cause For Alarm 

Some of the processes of birth may seem a little disturbing if you have never seen them before , but they are perfectly normal and are no cause for alarm .The general pattern of kittening involves some messy of stages :

  • Shortly before the birth of the first kitten a plug of mucus will come away.Even if this happens as early as a week before the kittening is due do not worry unless the mucus has unhealthy greenish hue or blood is discharged.
  • Kittening is a stressful experience and it is not uncommon for a kitten to suffer foetal distress .
  • Birth is bloody business , do not be distressed by the amount of red-tinged secretions that will be seen . The mother may continue oozing in this manner for a few days 
If the colour changes , or the discharged become more profuse , contact the vet immediately as this could indicate a life - threatening infection to both mother and kittens.

Posted on Friday, December 19, 2008 by catsbirth

Cat Birth - If you are in any doubt as to the sex of your cat or kitten , consult the photograph .



Posted on Friday, November 14, 2008 by catsbirth

The best time to introduce a cat into your home is when you have plenty of time to spare , and there a few other people around.Most kitten settle in quickly but it may take a little while to introduce an adult cat to the new surroundings. If you are at work at work during the day , try to take a few days off either side of the weekend so that you and your new cat have some time to spend together.

Before the cat arrives , decide the most suitable sites for the litter tray and feeding bowls . Let the cat see these as soon as it arrives - it may need the litter tray immediately . Also , think about the cats sleeping arrangements. Cats like to sleep in the warmest part of the house , and they like company too.If you do not want to share your bed with your cat , make this quite clear from the outset.

Make a cosy nest for your kitten in its own basket ; put in suitable bedding materials , a hot water bottle and some toys and keep your bedroom door shut.

You new cat will be the center of attention when you first bring it home , but do not exclude any existing pets from your attention as this will make them very jealous of the new intruder and may prolong the settling process.Make sure both animals get the same attention.

If you already own an adult cat and want to introduce another , it can take quite a time to get them to settle down together . The resident cat will not appreciate the newcomer at first and if you are not cereful , there will be a lot of caterwauling and fur flying . Introductions must be done gradually.

Between Residents and Newcomer - Smell is important to cats , so take a blanket or piece of fabric from you home and put it in the carrier you collect your new cat in.

Rub a little on the new cat before you bring it into you home . You could also try putting sardine or pilchard juice on each cat , which may seem strange , but the most important thing is for the cats to smell the same .
Food is another good way to get cats to accept each other , feed them in the same room from separate bowls.

Basic Items - Before collect your cat or kitten make sure you have all the necessary equipment . Do not leave this until last minute.

The basic items needed to start with are:

Litter Tray 

Food and Water Bowl

Sleeping Basket

Cat Carrier 

Collar and Tag
Scratching Post and toys

Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 by catsbirth

Ready to be Mated ?

The stud cat , when mating a queen , will find added grip if a mat is provided for him . The studs cat grasps the queen by the scruff of her neck ( LEFT ) and position the queen squarely for penetration.

Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2008 by catsbirth

Before the event start - You cat will probably start nesting .This may not be in the place most convenient for you and could well be in your bedroom cupboard  , drawer or linen cupboard . If possible provide your cat with a suitable nesting box .

Placed it somewhere that suits you in a quiet , darkened corner and its important for the kitten to be kept warm and dry as possible .

Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 by catsbirth

Gestation Period - For a cat is about sixty-five days , although this may vary a day or two either side.

Unless the cat seems unduly upset there is no need to panic if the cat does not produce exactly on the sixty-five day.

Posted on Friday, August 22, 2008 by catsbirth

During Pregnancy - A soon you are certain that your cat is pregnant it is advisable to introduce vitamins supplements in her food.Calcium can be beneficial as it helps to promote the development of strong bones in the kittens.Your vet should be able to suggest various compound powders that will supply all the additional vitamins and minerals , this is neccessary.

Cats Supplement Food

Many experienced breeders have found that their pregnant cat also benefits from raspberry leaf , which should be given from the fifth week of pregnancy until at least a week after kittening.

Raspberry Leaf

Posted on Thursday, August 21, 2008 by catsbirth

The Signs - About twenty-one days after your cat has been mated you should be able tell if it has been successful.At tis point the nipples should be slightly swollen and show a deep pink hue.See above .

If so , then you should change her diet accordingly.If you have any doubt , you vet should confirm your opinion.

Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2008 by catsbirth

Cat Birth-For the first weeks the mother will supply all the kittens' needs.She will feed them,wash them and keep them warm.

Ten day after that - The eyes open.

3 weeks - keep eye on them because they wanting to venture farther.

4 and 5 weeks - more inquisitive , willing to lap food. you can give minced chicken or fish.

6 weeks - can eat regular food

10 weeks - ready for the first of their two inoculations.

Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 by rizq

Cat Birth-Things you should know is cats are designed for multiple births,unlike humans;this means they have several , small babies.It will only rest went all the kitten are safetly born.What to prepared( in case your cat needs assistance).

1.Clean Towels ( or kitchen roll )

2.Blunt-tipped scissors

3.A bowl of boiled water

Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 by rizq

What to Do ?
Here is the brief infomation of Cat Birth.
Some processes of cat birth may seem a little disturbing if you have never seen them before, but they are all perfectly normal and are no cause for alarm.
The general pattern of cat birth involves some meesy stages as such:

  • Before the birth of the first one , a plug of mucus will come away.Do not worry,unless the mucus has an unhealthy greenish hue.

  • This process is equally common in human babies and usually the feaces to be expelled

  • Birth is a bloody business, do not be distressed by he amount of red-tinged secrection that will be seen.Any changes of the colour , contact your vet immediately.

Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 by rizq

Cat Birth - Breeding From Your Cat

It delightful but expensive, hobby.Few breeder actually make money from selling kittens.The decision to breed from your cat should be made only after careful consideration.You may have seen that the queen may produced six or seven kittens even more and consider whether you are able to afford all the kittens.

Should you or should not ?
Consider the expenses involved:

1.Stud fee

2.Testing for FELV and other diseases

3.Heating for kittens ( based on country)

4.Special diet for the mother cat

5.Feeding the kitten after weaning

6.Vitamins and minerals

7.Advertising the kitten for sale

8.Stationery needed for pedigree and diet sheets


10.Registration and transfer fees ( based on country)

Posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 by rizq